Close encounters of the 14th kind
Well, Close encounters of the 14th kind refers to a breed of bloggers who scribble something in one blog, create another blog, start posting there with a promise of continuing, stop abruptly after a whopping 1 post and create another blog and start music again.
I'm one amongst that breed - wavering, bored, cute and single, altogether in a single body.
I was suffering from writer's block and still do think I suffer from it as nothing interesting seems to come out, and that too I've been writing this literary piece for around 15 minutes now. So I think its chronic.
I'm currently thinking of using this particular blog as a diary and record whatever that comes to my mind from time to time. Besides, I'm known to change my mind from time to time.
I don't feel I should introduce myself or say what I'm doing and all.
For starters, my name can be looked up from my profile on the right column of this page. I've completed my B.E. - thats Breaking & Entering for you. That apart I feel a little bit hazy thinking about my aggregate. It gets me worried and thoughtless. I'm currently pouting and smiling sheepishly. If you'd want to die of a heart-attack, imagine my face.
By the way, why don't birds take off from ground vertically?
My think, its the same reason why we don't walk backwards. And, by the way 'methinks' is a very old, antiqutaed form of usage invented by Sir Walter Graham Neuville. So......use it if you want to....and I guess 'my think' is very much the in thing. It was invented by Count de Monet( aka Koundamani - the thalai of tamil comedy).
Alright, before you scratch your head and before your eyeballs move towards that little 'x' button on the top right corner, here's me stopping. Over. (Roger that)
PS: If you found this post a little bit boring, its purely because of my handwriting.
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